Tired of your shop front not standing out?
Here’s another top tip to improve your business visibility – Eye-catching Signage
From a recent survey we held about shop front signs, exactly 50% of respondents named “signage” as the sole reason for their visit. Simply put, it means they saw the sign and decided to stop in!
Having a sign that catches attention, it might be a hot take but cheap signs do nothing but make your business look cheap and nasty. Having a sign that highlights your brand, using some snazzy 3D lettering or LED will make your business appear instantly more professional and make passers by look and think twice about using your business and booking your service. Which in essence, is the whole point.
Spend that little bit extra on your signs, it truly is worth the investment to make your business stand out with a marketing tool that is available 24/7, 365 days a year.
#shopsignage #standout #signsmanchester