Design It: Sign & Print

Business Signage and Why You Need It

Business signage is an important part of any company. It helps to identify the business, advertises what services or products the company offers, and can even be used to direct customers to where they need to go. With so much riding on business signage, companies should invest in something visually appealing and highly functional. Here are some of the most common types of business signage and how they can improve a company’s overall image.

1. Digital Signs

Digital signs are among the most popular types of business signage. There are many reasons for this, including their versatility, low cost, and ease of use. These signs can be programmed to display anything that is inputted into it. This might be social media posts or things like strike-through prices on items that have gone on sale. Digital signage is also interactive, meaning it can be programmed to accept user input and provide feedback.

2. Light Boxes

Light boxes are another popular form of business signage. This signage is made of acrylic and backlit with LED lights. It typically consists of lines or shapes highlighted by the lighting, but images can also be projected to provide more detail. Light boxes are highly customizable, allowing for many different styles to suit any brand’s image. They are usually placed on walls near the entrance to a business or along walkways to direct customers.

3. Channel Letters

Channel letters are the most common type of business signage used for advertisements. They might contain LED lighting or be lit by fluorescent tubes, but they are typically made of acrylic and plastic. These use cut-outs to create each letter, so there is no need to paint them. Channel letters can be very durable with a long lifespan due to their material and construction. They come in many different styles and colours to suit any company’s image and other branding needs.

4. Banners

Banners are one of the most creative types of business signage and can be used in many different industries. These come in various shapes and sizes to suit any company’s needs. They’re often printed on vinyl fabric that is designed to withstand outdoor conditions. Banners might be hung from the side of a building or placed above a storefront so customers can see them. However, you need the right designer if you want it to be effective.

According to industry date, effective signage can significantly improve a company’s earnings. Monument signage may increase revenue by 9.3%, pole signage can contribute up to 15.6% to your bottom line, and larger storefront signs may raise sales by up to 7.7 percent. With such numbers, it’s easy to see why you should invest in effective signage for your business. Call us today if you need help with determining what type of sign is best suited for your business needs. We’re here to help you put together the perfect sign package.

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